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Ancient Cannabis Found in 2,800 Year Old Chinese Tomb Proves China Knew How To Party

via CounterCurrent
via CounterCurrent

Being that cannabis is a plant, it’s no shock that people have found references of it throught out history. Various civilazations have used the herb for everything from spiritual reasons to chill-out moments. Yeah, we weren’t the first to discover weed either.

Proof that usuage of cannabis goes back centuries comes directly from China.

Per Next Shark 

Chinese researchers have recently found a cache of 13 nearly whole cannabis plants inside a tomb located in the Turpan Basin, a northwestern part of China which was “an important stop on the Silk Road,” according to a new report published in Economic Botany (via National Geographic). The discovery was found among the 240 tombs in the cemetery site.

It’s crazy to know how relaxed ancient China was when it comes to cannabis. A far cry from how the country handles it now. 

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