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What Side Are You On?: New Poll Suggests That 57% Of People In US Support Marijuana Legalization

via weedblog
via weedblog

Election day is coming up soon. Like we said before, it’s more than a Presidential race going on. 8 states will take to the voting booth to decided whether their state will go green or not.

A new poll suggests that more than half of the U.S. feels that cannabis should be legalized.

Per WeednewsCo

The results of a new Pew Research Center poll have been released which found very, very strong support for marijuana legalization in America. Per the poll:

The share of Americans who favor legalizing the use of marijuana continues to increase. Today, 57% of U.S. adults say the use of marijuana should be made legal, while 37% say it should be illegal. A decade ago, opinion on legalizing marijuana was nearly the reverse – just 32% favored legalization, while 60% were opposed.

The shift in public opinion on the legalization of marijuana has occurred during a time when many U.S. states arerelaxing their restrictions on the drug or legalizing it altogether. In June, Ohio became the 25th state (plus Washington, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico) to legalize marijuana in some form after Gov. John Kasich signed a medical marijuana program into law. This November, Americans in nine states will vote on measures to establish or expand legal marijuana use.

Young adults have disproportionately driven the shift toward public support of the drug, though support is rising among other generations as well. Millennials – those ages 18 to 35 in 2016 – are more than twice as likely to support legalization of marijuana as they were in 2006 (71% today, up from 34% in 2006), and are significantly more likely to support legalization than other generations.

Support for marijuana legalization has also increased among members of Generation X and Baby Boomers (ages 36-51 and 52-70 in 2016, respectively). More than half of Gen Xers (57%) support legalization, a considerable jump from just 21% in 1990. A majority of Boomers (56%) also support legalization, up from just 17% in 1990

If you’re a betting man, it looks like betting on more states choosing to decriminalize cannabis than not would be a great bet.

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