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Pardon Me: Vermont Governor Pardons Hundreds Of Pot Convictions


A few Vermont inmates got the best news recently when the out-going Governor announced that he would be granting pardons to hundreds convicted of marijuana possession.


Hundreds of Vermonters hope to win a pot pardon from Governor Peter Shumlin.

The outgoing governor said earlier this month he would offer pardons to people convicted of having small amounts of marijuana who don’t have violent offenses or felonies on their records.

Spokesman Scott Coriell told WCAX News the governor’s office got applications from 460 Vermonters.

 They are now reviewing the applications and will likely issue any pardons next week.

Coriell says they do expect to get through all the applications they received before Shumlin’s term expires Jan. 5.

If you were arrested for having less than an ounce of marijuana today, you would get the equivalent of a traffic ticket.


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