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Police Object to California Cannabis Regulation Revamp

via Influence

California stands to become the largest legal cannabis economy in the country. What is stopping them. Well, a lot actually. While people voted for the controversial Prop 64, which made adult use in the state legal, implementing it looks like it’s gonna be a problem. Right now, one of the biggest obstacles are the police.

The California Police Chief’s Association is against Governor Jerry Brown’s plan to streamline the marijuana indiustry in the state and make it align with it’s medical program. But the CPCA is not for it.

The proposed legislation to allow single businesses to hold multiple licenses to grow, distribute, manufacture and sell retail marijuana would be an opening for criminals to consolidate the booming industry, said association Second Vice President Ken Corney.

Per AP

California law enforcement officials objected Wednesday to Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed streamlining of the state’s marijuana regulations, saying his plan could endanger public safety.

Brown’s administration released documents late Tuesday outlining proposed changes to square the state’s new recreational pot law with its longstanding law on medical marijuana.

But the California Police Chiefs Association representing all of the state’s municipal police forces said the governor’s proposal could turn traditionally small marijuana businesses into much larger ones controlling the entire supply chain from growing operations to retail sales.

The proposed legislation to allow single businesses to hold multiple licenses to grow, distribute, manufacture and sell retail marijuana would be an opening for criminals to consolidate the booming industry, said association Ken Corney.

“The proposal favors big marijuana grows over the welfare of our communities,” Corney said.

The state’s two laws took different approaches in many areas — including whether one entity could hold multiple licenses to grow, manufacture, distribute and sell in retail stores. The governor is seeking to “harmonize” those regulations. The proposal needs legislative approval.

Medical marijuana providers are currently prohibited from holding both licenses but Brown proposes to lift that restriction after it becomes legal to sell recreational pot in California on Jan. 1.

The head of California’s newly established marijuana agency defended the governor’s proposal.

“This proposed legislation helps build an effective statewide regulatory system for cannabis to achieve our goals of protecting public safety with clear and consistent rules that are not overly burdensome,” said Lori Ajax, head of the Bureau of Cannabis Medical Regulation.

She added: “It harmonizes the many elements of the two main statutes governing medicinal and adult-use cannabis, while preserving the integrity and separation of those industries.”
Their not the only one’s opposed to the Governor’s plan.

Hezekiah Allen, head of the California Growers Association, also said his organization has concerns with the elimination of the multiple licenses prohibition.

“It could lead to mega-manufactures and mega-chain stores,” Allen said.


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