Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeNewsTrump SoHo To Host a Cannabis Real Estate Seminar

Trump SoHo To Host a Cannabis Real Estate Seminar

via Jet Luxury Resorts

A Cannabis real estate seminar is set to be held at Trump Hotel in NYC. Yeah, this can’t go wrong.

Per Leafly

The New York Real Estate Journal (NYREJ) will be hosting its first cannabis-focused summit, the “Cannabis in Commercial Real Estate Summit NYC” on May 4 in the Big Apple. The event will offer real estate entrepreneurs a chance to learn about the emerging cannabis commercial real estate market.

Trump, who, along with D.O.J. Jeff Sessions has seem to be more focused on shutting down the legal cannabis market. But hey, what’s stops them from making a few dollars from it, while they try to tear it down? And the fact that the people involved thought that doing such a seminar at a Trump property would be a good idea.

Welcome to Trumpmurica, where everything sounds good in the moment.



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