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The Saga Houses….: U.S. “Marijuana Czar” Calls Cannabis “The Most Dangerous Drug On The Market”

In a country that is fighting ridiculous rates of opioid abuse, you would think politicians and the like would be fighting big pharmaceutical companies to push for harder regulations and penalties on doctors who assist in the pills that are hitting the streets. Even with the number of opiod abusers going up, there are still people who are focused on making something else the bad guy in the room.

Ed Shemelya is one of those guys. The country’s “Marijuana Czar” (note: I haven’t seen anyplace where he is listed as that) thinks the plant is the most dangerous thing on the streets right now. Serious. Now, I can make cystal meth in my house, using things I can buy from a store and flood the streets, but cannabis is the most dangerous. Shemelya tried to explain his stance.

Today, marijuana isn’t what it was 10 years ago,” Shemelya said while in Wisconsin recentlyHe also called it a “generational nightmare,” because children and teens think it is safe. It’s adults who vote and vote they did. A Quinnipiac poll  showed support for cannabis amongst adults at 60% and 71% support no law enforcement against marijuana in states that have made it legal. 

He also said that cannabis is “misunderstood“, which crazy as it may seem, I agree with. I think that way more research needs to go into the medical capability that cannabis has before the world goes crazy over it and starts dumping any other type of medicine in the trash.

While I’m all for a debate about the pros and cons of cannabis for adult use, I’m not for people just yelling out random nonsense that goes viral. Like the did.

Source: HT/Gazette Extra 


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