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Higher Learning: Two Florida Universities Get The Ok To Grow Hemp For Research

via denver post

As Florida struggles with the roll-out of their medical marijuana program, the state seems to be a head of the curve when it comes to research and introducing a new wave of students to the many uses of hemp.

Per Lexichronic

The University of Florida and Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University would be allowed to grow and cultivate industrial hemp under a bill passed by the Florida Legislature. More than $573 million worth of industrial hemp was imported into the United States in 2015, the MMBAF says.

The schools would conduct the research under the guidance of the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services. Daily News | Briefs | Cultivation | Florida Medical Cannabis Business & Marijuana Legal News Bart Schaneman Bart Schaneman Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Once the governor signs Senate Bill 1726, the schools are authorized to enter a pilot project to research the commercial prospects for hemp in rural areas of the state, the Medical Marijuana Business Association of Florida (MMBAF) said in a news release.


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