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HomeNewsNBA Veteran Cliff Robinson: Let NFL Players Make The Safer Choice

NBA Veteran Cliff Robinson: Let NFL Players Make The Safer Choice

via Green Rush Daily

NBA veteran Cliff Robinson went to bat for NFL players recently. Since the Roger Goodell’s comments at the NFL draft, the conversation has heated up again about players and what they can and can’t use when dealing with pain. The league of course is pro-pills and against any thought of medical marijuana being used to treat anything.

Yet, past players like Marvin Washington, Eugene Monroe, Jake Plummer, Ricky Williams and more have been huge proponents for players being able to have the ability to use medical marijuana, something that these ex-players and many more deem as way safer than the pills that the players have been fed for decades now.

Uncle Cliff lent his voice to the argument.

Per WeedNews

A recent poll asked 151 NFL players a series of questions, including whether or not the NFL should defer to a players’ primary physicians on whether or not to recommend the use of medical cannabis. Results from the poll showed that an overwhelming 86.75% of NFL players support such an idea. Those results are similar to poll results found outside of NFL stadiums. 18 year NBA veteran, and passionate cannabis reform activist, Cliff Robinson had the following to say about the poll results:

“With medical cannabis being legal in so many states, and so many studies showing that cannabis works, why is the NFL still prohibiting its players from using it for medical purposes? Cannabis is safer than opioid painkillers, which the NFL widely embraces, so why not let NFL players make the safer choice?” said Uncle Cliffy President Cliff Robinson.

Since leaving the NBA, Cliff has become a big voice for legalized cannabis. He even launched his own brand Uncle Spliffy. 

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