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Freedom: Expungement Day, Get Help Clearing An Old Cannabis Arrest

via Philly Voice

This weekend, Seattle residents will get the chance to remove arrests for cannabis from their records.

Per Leafly

Rise Up and its partners comes in. Rise Up, the philanthropic arm of Marley Natural, supports a number of social justice and environmental sustainability projects around the world. In the expungement area, Rise Up works with the Minority Cannabis Business Association (MCBA) and the Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP) to conduct free, daylong workshops and help men and women move through the process.

The inability of people with records to pay their fines is one of the primary reasons people get stuck in the prison pipeline and are never able to fully move forward with a clean slate,” says Berrin Noorata, marketing director of Marley Natural. [Marley Natural is owned by Privateer Holdings, which is Leafly’s parent company.] “The snowball effects often lead to homelessness and eventually a return to prison. It’s the long-tail effects of mass incarceration.”

As Leafly states in their story, expungment isn’t an overnight process, but this is a big step from freeing yourself from the legal system.

To find out how you can participate, click here

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