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HomeNewsIt's A No From Me: Nevada Governor Vetoes 2 Marijuana Bills

It’s A No From Me: Nevada Governor Vetoes 2 Marijuana Bills

via 420intel

The state of Nevada has been going through enough growing pains trying to roll-out their new cannabis program. The Governor just added a few more bumps in the road recently.

Per 420intel

Gov. Brian Sandoval has vetoed bills to create apprenticeships in the legal marijuana business and to add opioid addiction to the list of qualifying medical conditions for obtaining a medical marijuana card.

Late Wednesday, Sandoval vetoed Senate Bill 416, which would have allowed licensed medical marijuana businesses to partner with labor unions for medical marijuana apprenticeships. The bill is not “consistent with federal regulations governing approval of apprentice programs,” according to a statement released by Sandoval’s office.

The Legislature passed the bill on near party-line votes, clearing the Senate 12-9 and the Assembly 26-13.

Sandoval said a marijuana apprenticeship would make receiving federal funding for the state’s apprenticeship program more difficult. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

“While innovation with regard to apprenticeship programs is unquestionably important, SB416 threatens to do more harm than good by authorizing the state to certify apprenticeship programs within an industry for which the federal government has not signaled clear approval,” Sandoval wrote.

The governor also struck down Senate Bill 374, which would add opioid addiction to the list of qualifying conditions for medical marijuana. It would also prohibit professional licensing boards from firing or disciplining a licensed employee for using medical marijuana and allow medical and massage therapists to legally use topical products containing weed on their clients.

Sandoval argued that considering the U.S. Department of Justice’s stance against recreational marijuana, opening the door for more people to use and administer it was “unwise” and “imprudent.”

“These are subjects that warrant further study and review to consider the efficacy, health effects and legality of these issues,” Sandoval wrote.

Two other marijuana-related bills, Senate Bill 375, which would allow the Governor’s Office to negotiate with tribal governments on the use and sale of medical marijuana, and Senate Bill 396, which would allow universities to grow low-THC industrial hemp for research, are still on Sandoval’s desk awaiting approval.

Four other marijuana bills are still in the Legislature.

State Sen. Tick Segerblom, who has sponsored or co-sponsored many of the session’s pot bills, said Sandoval would sign Senate Bill 375 on Friday.

Benny Tso, chairman of the Nevada Tribal Cannabis Alliance, said tribal leaders from across the state would be in attendance for the signing.

Sandoval spokeswoman Mari St. Martin would not confirm the signing.

Sidenote: Sandoval at one time was on the short list for the SCOTUS.

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