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The Battle For Nevada: Nevada Liquor Lobby Battles MMJ Distributors Threatening July 1 Sales At Risk (public domain image)

Nevada, was set to join the fraternity of states that allow for recreational cannabis sale and use. Their July 1st kick-off might be up in the air thanks to a beef between the liquor lobby and medical marijuana distributors.

Per The Cannabist

If Nevada officials have their way, tourists and residents alike will be smoking pot ahead of Independence Day. But before recreational marijuana launches in the state best known for slot machines and showgirls, a judge must decide who has the right to distribute what promises to be Nevada’s newest cash crop.

The powerful liquor lobby and state-regulated medical marijuana dealers are fighting over who should be licensed to distribute marijuana from growers to retailers. Nevada is the only legal pot state in which alcohol distributors were given the first shot at distribution licenses under the law that voters approved in November.

But the state says it determined that interest wasn’t high enough among alcohol distributors, so it has the authority to allow existing medical shops to provide pot to retailers already qualified to sell it. That system would be used until permanent regulations are put in place Jan. 1, 2018.

The liquor distributors sued last month, arguing they get first dibs.

The legal battle comes as the state aims to launch recreational pot sales at existing medical marijuana dispensaries July 1.

“The statute clearly gives a priority and exclusive license to alcohol distributors, in order to promote the goal of regulating marijuana similar to alcohol,” Wilson wrote May 30.

Chief Deputy Attorney General William McKean said in a motion to dismiss the lawsuit that “it is of the essence to have this matter resolved,” with the Nevada Department of Taxation aiming to begin issuing licenses for recreational pot sales next month.

Kevin Benson, a lawyer for the Independent Alcohol Distributors of Nevada, said the tax department exceeded its authority when it decided there wasn’t enough interest among alcohol distributors to provide the number of marijuana distribution licenses needed to get the program running by July 1.

“Nothing in the statute requires that the program start on July 1,” Benson wrote.

He said the state’s action “illustrates the fact that the entire process was rushed to the point that it was intentionally designed to prevent alcohol distributors from having a fair opportunity to apply and qualify for an exclusive license.”

The Nevada Cannabis Coalition said alcohol distributors are complaining that they are not being guaranteed a monopoly over marijuana distribution. It says any delay in licensing could cost the state millions of dollars a month in tax revenue targeted for schools.

The wholesale excise and retail taxes signed into law this month are projected to raise $120 million in revenue over two years.

Earlier this week, a beef between Wynn Casino and the CEO of MassRoots resulted in the CEO being banned from the casino. Read more here

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