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War on Drugs?: Opioid Addiction Rates Continue To Skyrocket

via Allwellness

Despite concerns about how medical cannabis would lead to drug abuse, the real concern continues to be the medicine that no one has to vote for, prescription pills.

CNN reports on a study that shows that opioid addiction rates continue to skyrocket.


A new study finds that the number of Americans being diagnosed with opioid addiction continues to skyrocket, but still very few receive any treatment. This is in line with the rising trend documented in previous reports.

An analysis from Blue Cross Blue Shield of its members found that from 2010 to 2016, the number of people diagnosed with an addiction to opioids — including both legal prescription drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone, as well as illicit drugs — climbed 493%. In 2010, there were just 1.4 incidences of opioid use disorder among every 1000 members. By 2016, that rate had climbed to 8.3 incidences for every 1000 members. Yet, at the same time, there was only a 65% increase in the number of people getting medication-assisted treatment to manage their addiction.
While addiction is on the rise, finding help for it isn’t. Read the full story here

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