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Danger: Marijuana Companies Could Soon Face Major Upheaval At Federal Level

via therightscoop

If you own or plan on owning a cannabis company, you have to be aware of the real danger that the Department of Justice and Jeff Sessions present to your business.

Per MJ Biz Daily 

At issue is what action the federal government may take involving the precarious 2013 Cole Memo and expiring Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment.

The 2013 Cole Memo has guided many state-level marijuana regulations – especially on the recreational cannabis side – and the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment protects MMJ companies from federal prosecution.

But there are fears that anti-cannabis members of the Trump administration could take aim at those legal protections and, in turn, marijuana businesses.

“It’s almost back to where we were in 2009, where all I was doing was federal risk mitigation,” said Charles Feldmann, a Colorado-based cannabis attorney and former Drug Enforcement Administration agent.

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