Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeInterviewsCashColorCannabis Podcast: Robin Ann Harris With The MaryJane Agency Talks Ohio MMJ...

CashColorCannabis Podcast: Robin Ann Harris With The MaryJane Agency Talks Ohio MMJ and More (Audio)

House Bill 523 went into effect last September in Ohio, making it ok for qualified patients to access mmj for medical purposes. That news was big for many cannabis activists across the country, because like the Presidential election, Ohio is a big state to win for the movement.

How did that win work for people of color who either want to become a patient or get into business? I thought it would be best to speak to someone who is on the ground in the state who can help us get answers to some of those questions.

Today I have Robin Ann Morris she is founder of MaryJane Agency. The 1st Ohio based employment agency, her job is to supply qualified MMJ personnel for cannabis ancillary business, dispensary, cultivation centers or labs in the state of Ohio.

I wanted to speak to her about how she got into the industry, did she face any backlash when starting her company, how she helps the Ohio cannabis industry flow, how have people of color reacted for the new laws and more.

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