Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeInterviewsThe Ross Review (@therossreview) Talks With Atlanta Creative Sean Fahie (@SeanFahie) (Video)

The Ross Review (@therossreview) Talks With Atlanta Creative Sean Fahie (@SeanFahie) (Video)


If you don’t know about Kimberly Ross and her web-series The Ross Review, then you’re about to get hip now!

Kim has been bringing the world in-depth interviews with some of the most influential talents in the ATL. Everyone from Chilly-O and FRKO to emcee Kris J has sat down with Kim. If you’re advancing the culture in Atlanta, then she’s interviewed you.

Her latest feature is with creative Sean Fahie. Fahie discusses his work, events and more with Kim. Stream their full interview below and subscribe to her show here.


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