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Two Suspects Arrested In The Murder Of Chinx Drugz

May 17th 2015, Coke Boyz artist Chinx Drugz was shot and killed in Queens NYC after leaving a show performance. Today, police announce that two men have been arrested in connection for the murder of Chinx, real name Lionel Pickens


XXL has learned that the initial suspect, a 32-year-old named Quincy Homere, was arrested in Queens, New York City on Thursday (Dec. 14). He is headed to Queens Criminal Court today at 2 p.m. EST to face murder charges. Chinx’s family will also be headed to court and will issue a statement on the matter this evening.

TMZ reports that 26-year-old Jamar Hill has also been charged in connection to Chinx’s murder. Hill and Homere have both been charged with murder, assault and criminal possession of a weapon.

Before their arrest today for Chinx’s murder, they were both sitting in jail for unrelated charges.

According to New York Daily News, Homere and Hill followed Chinx after his performance at the now-defunct Red Wolf Lounge in Brooklyn. Hill was out on bail for his role in an armed robbery in Queens in July 2014, just a bit less than a year before he and Homere allegedly shot and killed Chinx. Homere pleaded guilty to first-degree robbery on May 11, 2017, and was sentenced to five years in federal prison. The details surrounding the case of Homere, who’s been locked up at Brooklyn MDC, weren’t accessible at the time their story was published.

NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill commended the efforts of Queens police. “This indictment shows that the two defendants essentially stalked their victims before shooting them and making a getaway,” he said in statement. “But through the talent and tenacity of the Queens South detectives, working closely with the office of the Queens District Attorney, they have now been brought back to answer for this violent act.”

If convicted, Homere and Hill face 25 years to life in prison.


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