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Vaping at Work: More New Yorkers Are Smoking Weed To Survive Jobs

Vaping at Work: More New Yorkers Are Smoking Weed To Survive Jobs (Photo Credit: Vaping360)

It takes a lot to survive in New York City. The constant hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps can be a lot for anyone to deal with. Millineals have found a way to ate at least get through the work day and that’s vaping.

Per NY Post

With New York’s decriminalization of marijuana and the rise of near-odorless vaping — according to the Blinc Group, a cannabis industry advocate, there are more than 6,000 purveyors in the five boroughs, selling vaping products — perhaps it’s no wonder smoking weed on the job seems to be on the rise. Even in the boss’ office.

“I have a high-pressure job,” said Amy S., the CEO of an internet startup with more than a dozen employees. When she’s having a crazy day, the 40-year-old heads down to the alley across from her Canal Street office and reaches inside her Rebecca Minkoff handbag to retrieve her vaporizer. She spends 20 minutes or so puffing and making phone calls — to her adviser, her lawyer, her CPA, her dad.

“I’m not embarrassed,” she said. “I don’t think [smoking during the work day] should have a stigma. If I never told anyone, no one would know.”

Amy is part of a growing legion of marijuana-vaping New Yorkers who smoke at work.

“There are approximately 30 million adult cannabis users in the US, of which approximately 10 million vape,” said Bethany Gomez of the Brightfield Group, a market research firm. “Approximately 35 percent consume cannabis daily. While we don’t have hard statistics on the number of people vaping at work, it stands to reason that there are millions of Americans [doing so] on a regular basis.”

Vape pens are typically powered by a rechargeable battery and use an internal atomizer to heat up ground marijuana so that the essential oils — which contain the active ingredient of the herb — are released, creating an inhalable vapor. Some vape smokers use highly concentrated cannabis oil on its own.

Got to find a way to deal with your 9-5, vaping seems like a safe way to do that.

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