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HomeNewsWatch What You Eat: School Suspends 6th Grader After Accidental Cannabis Consumption

Watch What You Eat: School Suspends 6th Grader After Accidental Cannabis Consumption

via Leafscience

A middle schooler is some trouble at his school after he accidentally consumed an edible.

Per High Times

The entire ordeal started last Friday morning. That’s when an 11-year-old sixth grader named Diamond Brooks said she was given a cookie from a classmate.

Diamond didn’t think anything of it. She happily accepted the cookie and ate it. A short time later, she said she started feeling very confused. Eventually, Diamond was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

Reports from local news source WSBTV said that Diamond threw up at the hospital and continued feeling extremely disoriented. When doctors treated her, they discovered marijuana in her system. Now, the family thinks that the cookie Diamond ate at school was actually an edible.

“I didn’t pay attention when I was getting it, so I just got it and ate it,” Diamond said. “If she told me what was in it I never would have got it from her.”

 At some point, school authorities learned about the incident and ended up suspending Diamond. The DeKalb County School District said they are investigating the incident while Diamond is suspended.

“The student ingested a dessert, but it cannot confirm if it was laced with a drug,” the county said in a statement. “Our investigation will shed more light on what occurred.”

In the meantime, Diamond’s family is not happy with how the school handled the situation. In particular, they are frustrated that authorities chose to suspend the sixth grader from her middle school even though Diamond maintains that she had no idea what was in the cookie.

“She didn’t know what it was,” Diamond’s father, Gary Brooks, said. “She didn’t intentionally do no drugs.”

added: “When you spike somebody’s drink, they don’t know, so they are supposed to get punished for what happened? That don’t make sense.”

The family is pushing to have the suspension overturned.

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