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Profile: The Joint Cheefs Talk N-High-C, Beating The Weed Rapper Tag & Why “Never Canoe” Is All About Balance (Video)

via The Joint Cheefs

What’s up New York City!

If you’re smelling good music and good gas coming out of the Big Apple, chances are The Joint Cheefs are lighting up some new music. The three-man act consisting of Geo The Rican, Sonny Blue Note & Loudpack Ralph are elevating the NYC rap scene right now thanks to their latest project, Never Canoe.

The 13-track album showcases more than just a group that can tell you who has the best bud. While weed maybe the theme, at the core of the project are witty bars, sharp punch lines and solid production.

Before you get into their new album, get into the group. Checkout our Q&A below

CashColorCannabis: Who are the Joint Chiefs?
The Joint Cheef:A 3-man collective from the Bronx, NY consisting Geo The Rican, Sonny Blue Note & Loudpack Ralph.
CashColorCannabis: How did the group come together?
The Joint Cheefs: GeoTheRican & Sonny Blue Note run a home studio together. Sonny started as Geo’s student and Ralph’s big brother grew up with Sonny. What was once going to be a podcast called The Joint Cheefs turned into a rap group. Geo was never really a rapper as he was a producer and engineer. One day Geo come to the studio wanting to rap, next thing we know “Indica or Sativa” is made and the rest is history.

CashColorCannabis: What makes each member unique to the group?
The Joint Cheefs: Sonny delivers great punch lines as well as the strongest cadence out of  the three. Geo likes to provide flow and storytelling and Ralph brings a young and  gritty dynamic to the group. On the technical side both Geo and Sonny are audio engineers/Producer with Geo taking on mixing duties while Sonny takes care of recordings.
CashColorCannabis: Right now, you have the Never Canoe project out. Speak out the album. Who handled production, how many tracks? What would you consider are the best tracks?
via The Joint Chiefs
The Joint Cheefs: We wanted our first major project to mean something so we wanted to deliver a vibe that hasn’t been delivered on a group level. The meaning of Never Canoe, is about balance. We address on the first record “Indo’”. We allow ourselves to get caught in life, work, school etc so much that we miss out on other aspects of life so our advice is to burn evenly, or Never Canoe. Having amazing producers helped us deliver that message clearly thru 13 tracks so salute to our own Geo The Rican as well as Kush Billionz, Killa Vic Beats, Hanz Nobe, Santana Wills, DaSanchize, and Grinch of Nekweytmuzik who produced “Louder Than Most”, a favorite across the board among male and females.  “NHighC” is our way of giving our city an anthem for the stoners.
CashColorCannabis: How do you feel about the term weed rappers? Is something the group embraces?
The Joint Cheefs: It has a certain connotation to it, yea,  but we want to surpass those expectations. We’re not a parody group. We not a making funny songs to play to your friends. We take our lyrics seriously and want to be recognized for that. We’re stoners that rap really well. Not rappers who smoke a ton of weed. For our first mixtape “Pay Highmage” we wanted to show respect to the stoner classics/classic stoner rappers as well as showcase our ability to rap. While we understand we’ll get that “weed rapper” label we can only hope to be at the top of that list one day.
CashColorCannabis: Is the group planning a tour something like that to promote the album?
The Joint Cheefs: We’re hitting local underground cannabis events in NY with hopes to hit up legalized cities like D.C., Denver and L.A. at some point. If Curren$y or Wiz every need some good openers then……
CashColorCannabis: Where can we find the album?
The Joint Cheefs: Never Canoe is available on all digital platforms. Apple Music, iTunes, Google Play, Tidal, Spotify and on our SoundCloud.

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