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Pax Era (@paxvapor) V.P. & G.M., JJ O’Brien Talks Pax Era, the Vaping Experience and Breaking Stereotypes (Audio)

This weekend, CashColorCannabis invaded MJBIZCONNEXT. One of the best conferences in cannabis, we had the chance to speak with some amazing names in Cannabis.

Over the next few weeks, we will be releasing new interviews. Up first is JJ O’Brien.

Since taking on his role with Pax Labs, a vaporizer product company, JJ led the launch of the Era Division from two co-branded products in two states to more than 400 SKUs across 30 co-brands in nine states. Prior to joining the company, JJ was a founding member of Capital One Labs and had a career in management consulting and private equity investing in Boston, Sydney and London.

The Pax USA Vice President and General manager JJ O’Brien explained how Pax and Era became partners, importance of vaping, breaking down smoker stereotypes, new products and more.

Stream our full interview below


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