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Mott Haven: Award-Winning Documentary Uses Hip-Hop To Tackle Mental Health Issues In The South Bronx (Video)

Mental health issues within the inner-city is a topic that gets left to the side. A new documentary is set to breakdown the stigma of mental illness using Hip-Hop as to get the point across.

Hip-Hop artist and social worker J.C. Hall used Hip-Hop to approach mental health

 Hall created the Hip-Hop Therapy program at Mott Haven Community High School, a “second-chance” transfer school in the South Bronx. J.C. built a professional recording studio in the school to gives a place to vent. And vent they did. Using music, the students we’re able to channel their energy in new ways. 

The short film made it’s rounds on the film festival circuit. After screening on the big screens, “Mott Haven” is now availble on the small screen. You can watch the full film  here.

Check out the trail for “Mott Haven” below

Mott Haven Trailer from Signed Stella on Vimeo.

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