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HomepoliticsNew Bill To Legalize Cannabis Fittingly Called "H.R. 420"

New Bill To Legalize Cannabis Fittingly Called “H.R. 420”

H.R. 420
New Bill To Legalize Cannabis Fittingly Called “H.R. 420”

In “Isn’t it ironic” news, a new house bill presented to legalize cannabis on a federal level is named after a popular weed holiday.

Per 420 Intel

A new bill introduced in Congress to legalize marijuana has been give the most fitting name ever, Writes Joseph Misulonas. 

The Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act introduced by Democrat Earl Blumenauer to Congresss has been give the official name “H.R. 420,” an obvious reference to the 4/20 marijuana meme/holiday. The bill would remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances list, and allow states to regulate it as they please.

“While the bill number may be a bit tongue in cheek, the issue is very serious. Our federal marijuana laws are outdated, out of touch and have negatively impacted countless lives,” Blumenauer said. “Congress cannot continue to be out of touch with a movement that a growing majority of Americans support. It’s time to end this senseless prohibition.”

The bill would remove marijuana from under the authority of the Drug Enforcement Agency and instead put it under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), which would be renamed the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Marijuana, Firearms and Explosives. It would also create a new bureau in the Department of Treasury that would deal with cannabis-related issues.

This is not the first time a marijuana bill was given the 420 designation. A 2003 bill in California surrounding medical marijuana regulations was called SB 420, and in 2017 a Rhode Island state senator filed a marijuana legalization bill called S 420. 

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