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HARDCAR Distribution Expands Cannabis Banking Partnerships in California

HARDCAR Distribution Expands Cannabis Banking Partnerships in California

HARDCAR Distribution, the award-winning cannabis distribution, cannabis transportation, and cannabis security company, announced today that is has solidified yet another partnership with an established financial institution in California. For well over a year the company has been offering cannabis banking solutions for institutions interested in working with the cannabis industry and is providing services to ensure these institutions are in compliance with state laws.

In the growing number of states that have legalized cannabis, whether medicinal or recreational, regulations and solutions are imperative to keep illegal cash off the streets and help reduce potential criminal and violent activity. While the federal government has yet to regulate the exchange of currency in the cannabis industry, financial institutions have rightfully begun taking initiative.

HARDCAR Distribution has now established banking partnerships with more financial institutions than any competitor, and it doesn’t plan to stop there.

“HARDCAR has played a leading role in California’s cannabis market when it comes to the safe management and transportation of cash and product, and we are proud to also lead the industry in banking. While these mutually beneficial new partnerships with financial institutions are something to celebrate, we plan to continue striving for excellence and dedicating ourselves to innovating and leading the industry forward.” – Todd Kleperis, HARDCAR Distribution CEO

The cannabis industry’s leading companies, without the support of the federal government, have limited options when it comes to handing cash. Several organizations are currently resulting to vaulting, or even burying, cash earned from cannabis products or services. HARDCAR’s partnerships with financial institutions allow the company to transport cash earned from cannabis into the federal reserve.

 “Safety is, and has always been, of the utmost importance to our team at HARDCAR. The options available to companies working in cannabis right now are typically inefficient and frankly unsafe. We’re here to change that.” – Mariko Augustis, HARDCAR Distribution Head of Banking & Cash Compliance

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