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Life Griffith Talks Veterans Health Solution, Cannabis for Vets & And More

Life Griffith, Veterans Health Solutions
Life Griffith Talks Veterans Health Solution, Cannabis for Vets & And More (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

Life Griffith has seen a lot. Spending a majority of his time in the army, Life has viewed things most people couldn’t comprehend. Blessed to have his mind and limbs still intact, Life doesn’t forget the sacrifices his fellow soldiers have made in order for us to live free.

During his time in the military, he saw a need to help vets. It was in Afghanistan where he came up with the idea of Veterans Health Soutions.

Knowing that many vets comeback home hooked on pills or suffering from mental illnesses, he launched the organization as a way to help veterans get help they may not receive from the V.A. The goal is to help educate fellow vets on alternative medicines and introduce them to the possibilities of cannabis and hemp.

Recently, Life came by the show to speak about his time in the military, the many outside the military who are dealing with P.T.S.D., why “thank you for your service” means something different to him and helping vets recieve alternative medicines

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