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Good or Bad?: The Tweets Tell Us All We Need To Know About ‘How High 2’

'How High 2'
Good or Bad?: The Tweets Tell Us All We Need To Know About ‘How High 2’

Ok, folks, lets have a moment of honesty. Most of us didn’t really expect much when we heard that MTV was doing a sequel to the stoner classic, ‘How High’

Now, the sequel would be sans original stars Method Man and Redman. They we’re swapped out for comedian D.C. Young Fly and rapper (and non-cannabis consumer) Lil Yachty as the lead stars. The storyline veered from the original. Where Red and Meth we’re trying to get a higher education, D.C. and Yachty we’re trying to get paid using a book called, “The weed bible” they stumbled upon.

I don’t know what else to say. From there, the movie got really stupid. You would’ve really thought the writers and producers would have put a little more effort into making the film seem relevant. It came off like a “Half-Baked” knock-off that was written and filmed in the ’90s that just so happened to come out now. It was really generic. That’s the best I could describe it.

I’m not hating on this at all. I’m a fan on the low-budget, indie film. I was rooting for ‘Grow House.’ But this was just bad.

Knowing that I couldn’t describe how bad this movie really was, I went to a place that could. Check out some Tweets from people who also attempted to watch this film.

As crazy as the Tweets were, we all know how things can go. There are plenty of bad movies that become cult classics. Remember, ‘I Got The Hook-Up’? Wait, there’s a part 2 of that coming too. Wonder if they Tweet machines have already churned out the memes for that one already?

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