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Bunkir App Founder Gives His Take On Google’s Attempt to Ban Cannabis Apps

Bunkir App Founder Gives His Take On Google's Attempt to Ban Cannabis Apps
Bunkir App Founder Gives His Take On Google’s Attempt to Ban Cannabis Apps (Photo Credit: CBT)

Earlier this week, Google made news when they announced that they putting a limit on cannabis releated apps like Weedmaps on their Google Play store.

Their ban would be a blow to delivery apps mostly, but it’s still concerning for creators like Delleon McGlone.

Delleon is the Founder & C.E.O. of Bunkir. Touted as a social media platform for cannabis brands and consumers has suffered many setbacks trying to get his app approved by both Apple and Google Play.

Google’s announcement came just as Bukir was cleared for take off on Google Play. spoke with Bunkir founder Delleon McGlone about how Google’s decision would impact creators like himself and how he plans to prepare for the future.

CashColorCannabis: Speak to us briefly about Bunkir and the service it provides for the cannabis community.

Bunkir Founder & CEO Delleon McGlone

Delleon McGlone: Bunkir is a social network for cannabis connoisseurs to post and share content and for dispensaries to market their products and deals.

CashColorCannabis: How did you take news that Google Play were setting new standards for cannabis apps?

Delleon McGlone: Honestly I saw it coming because they have banned cannabis apps in the past and required them to make certain changes to get approved. We actually experienced this the first time we submitted our app they required us to change our stores feature because they said we were geo targeting illegally which we weren’t. We just made the changes and resubmitted and got approved.

CashColorCannabis: Do the new rules effect Bunkir? If so, how and how are you preparing?

Delleon McGlone: The rules aren’t really new, its one of those things that until you submit an app you just don’t know but now that they have made it public what the standards are you just have to work with or around it. The biggest challenge for us is insuring that we give the customers & users the best experience regardless of its android or iOS.

CashColorCannabis: They did update their new rules. They’re now just censoring cannabis delivery apps. How does that news effect you?

Delleon McGlone: This is gonna have one or two types of effects, it starts with censoring cannabis delivery apps and then it becomes censoring other types of cannabis apps or cannabis business use or create other platforms that don’t require a “middle man” or a gatekeeper. The cannabis race will be won by those in it for the long run.

CashColorCannabis: What’s a happy medium between cannabis tech companies and platforms like Google Play where both can thrive?

Delleon McGlone: I’m not sure if there is a happy medium, right now its work within the confines of the Google Play rules or use an alternative like Android. I think there is potential in new platforms like Blockstack PBS which is a decentralized app platform but they are new and users who are early adopters and patient will have success there. That is something we are looking at down the road but Im not sure if a happy medium can be reached right now with Google Play store its their store so its their rules.

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