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HomeInterviewsSex Talk: Misconceptions, Cannabis and More with The Sex Pot Therapist

Sex Talk: Misconceptions, Cannabis and More with The Sex Pot Therapist

Sex and cannabis are like peanut butter and jelly. From our conversations with Blunt, the Podcast, we’ve learned all about how sex can be the ultimate teammate when it comes to intercourse.

But what do you do when the weed is good, but the sex is blah? Well, it might be time to seek a therapist. Danielle a.k.a the Sex (Pot) Therapist is taking a new approach to sexual, mental and holistic wellness.

We spoke to Danielle about what made her chose sex therapy, the biggest misconceptions about sex therapy, how sex and cannabis play off each other and how she likes to consume.

Sex Talk: Misconceptions, Cannabis and More with The Sex Pot Therapist
Sex Talk: Misconceptions, Cannabis and More with The Sex Pot Therapist (via IG)

CashColorCannabis: Tell us who you are what is your profession?

Sex Pot Therapist: Hi, so my name is Danielle and I’m currently in school pursuing a degree in Marriage and Family Therapy with a specialization in sex therapy. So sex therapy is the ultimate goal, but ultimately still in school.

CashColorCannabis: I follow you on social media and you seem comfortable discussing sex openly. When putting together the idea for The SexPot Therapist was there a fear that your guests your listeners or readers wouldn’t be ready?

Sex Pot Therapist: Yes and no. Just going off of what me and my friends talk about on a daily basis, I figured that most people (at least people our age) were at least thinking about this stuff anyway. However, I did notice when I was looking for other accounts like mine that there just aren’t that many people talking about sex openly. So in that sense, I did think maybe some people would find my posts a little too forward. But they’re still thinking about it, so whatever lol.. and if they weren’t thinking about it, they are now.

CashColorCannabis: What are the biggest misconceptions when it comes to sex therapy?

Sex Pot Therapist: That we’re all having sex with our clients. I encourage anyone who’s actually interested in what sex therapy is to check out my earliest posts because I give a little explanation about what sex therapy is and is not.

CashColorCannabis: Cannabis and Sex go hand-in-hand. Why do you feel cannabis and sex work so well?

Sex Pot Therapist: There have been plenty of studies to find out how cannabis can be helpful to the mind and body; however, there have only been a few as it pertains to sex. What has been found suggests that the combined effects of cannabis on the mind and the body are what makes it a good component for sex. Nothing has been proven, but what we can guess is that for some people, cannabis can resolve the anxiety that many feel right before sex, so smoking beforehand can get you out of your head and into the moment with yourself or your partner(s); mindfulness is increased, anxiety is decreased. On top of that, cannabis is a vasodilator, meaning it increases blood flow everywhere in your body, including to your genitals; that means an increase in blood flow, oxygen, and even sensation to those areas. So we stipulate that if you smoke before sex, all the things you would do to get in the mood and have sex anyway just become more intense, less anxiety-ridden, and more pleasurable overall.

CashColorCannabis: I saw you mention discsuiing sex with kids. What is the earliest we should be discussing sex and cannabis use with kids?

Sex Pot Therapist: I can’t say exactly what age is the most appropriate because it depends on each child. But there are books and videos that cater to kids as young as 5 years old that teach them about their sex organs and consent, which I think is important for kids to learn early.

CashColorCannabis: Why do you love therapy?

Sex Pot Therapist: Therapy is a place where you can lay everythingplace out in front of another person and the only thing they’ll do is help you get it all in order. There’s no judgment, no expectation, no reason to hold anything back. The real world is not like that, so it’s hard for people to take time to organize all their shit on a regular basis. Therapy is an escape from that and a safe haven to get your shift together before you have to face the world again.

CashColorCannabis: What are the biggest misconceptions when it comes to sex and cannabis?

Sex Pot Therapist: I think we’re still just dealing with the stigma of cannabis period, that people who smoke are lazy and don’t accomplish anything. As far as it relates to sex, probably that all people who smoke and have sex are lazy sexual deviants

CashColorCannabiss: When it comes to consumption, what’s your favorite waconsumptiony to consume?

Sex Pot Therapist: Blunts all day.

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