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Ohio Rep. Candice Keller Blames Mass Shootings on Gay Marriage, Barack Obama & Legalized Cannabis

Candice Keller
Ohio Rep. Candice Keller Blames Mass Shootings on Gay Marriage, Barack Obama & Legalized Cannabis (Photo Credit: Twitter)

Weed gets blamed again!

The tragedies that happened this past weekend in Ohio and Texas left people with a lot of questions and no answers.

With our President scrambling to make anything make sense, it looks like other politicians are joining him to give their two cents on what’s causing the spike in mass shootings.

Ohio State Representative Candice Keller took to Facebook to blame the violence on what she refers to as the “breakdown of the traditional American family,” namely gay marriage, trans people, Barack Obama, the legalization of marijuana, violent video games, and more. 

The breakdown of the traditional American family (thank you, transgender, homosexual marriage, and drag queen advocates); fatherlessness, a subject no one discuses or believes is relevant; the ignoring of violent video games; the relaxing of laws against criminals (open borders); the acceptance of recreational marijuana; failed school policies (hello parents who defend misbehaving students); disrespect to law enforcement (thank you, Obama); hatred of our veterans (thank you, professional athletes who hate our flag and National Anthem); the Dem Congress, many members whom are open anti-Semitic; the culture, which totally ignores the importance of God and the church (until they elect a President); state officeholders, who have no interest whatsoever in learning about our Constitution and the Second Amendement; and snowflakes, who can’t accept a duly-elected President. 

Like her President, she did miss one reason, unhinged White men.

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