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Comedian Anthony Driver Talks 1AM Secret Show, Kill And Be Cool Jam Session & Atlanta Comedy Scene

Anthony Driver
Comedian Anthony Driver Talks 1AM Secret Show, Kill And Be Cool Jam Session & Atlanta Comedy Scene (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

Music, movies and sports take up most of the headlines in the city of Atlanta, but a new competitor for the eyes, ears and money in the city is comedy?

The stand-up comedy scene has been flourishing over the last few years. A new crop of young comedians are using every space possible to pull off shows and the crowds are following. 

Comedian Anthony Driver at Urban City Market for the monthly Atlantabis City Market event (Photo Credit: Nicole Scarlett)

One such comedian is Anthony Driver. The force behind his signature show 1AM Secret Show was a guest on the podcast recently. 

Driver gave us some insight on the stand-up comedy scene here in the city, differences in comedians, what makes the 1AM Secret Show special and more. 

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