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Doctors for Cannabis Regulation Announces the Appointment of Dasheeda Dawson

Dasheeda Dawson
Doctors for Cannabis Regulation Announces the Appointment of Dasheeda Dawson

Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (DFCR), the first organization for doctors and health care professionals supporting cannabis legalization and regulation, today announced changes to its board of directors. Cannabis industry trailblazer Dasheeda Dawson has recently been appointed to its board of directors.  

“Doctors for Cannabis Regulation is incredibly fortunate to have Dasheeda join our board of directors”, says Dr. David Nathan, Founder and Board President. “Never have we had such a skilled organizational development expert, and she’s shown herself to be a passionate and visionary leader in every project she takes on.”

“Dasheeda is recognized in the cannabis community for her passionate commitment to social justice, her strong advocacy for cannabis regulation, and her skill as a strategist, says Dr. Bryon Adinoff, Executive Vice President.  “With her science background, Dasheeda is a superb fit for the DFCR board and will assist in guiding the operational aspects of our organization to expand the voice of physicians and health professionals in their support of cannabis legalization.”

The organization has hundreds of respected physician members in nearly every US state and territory. DFCR physicians include integrative medicine pioneer Andrew Weil, former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, and renowned public health physician and Johns Hopkins professor Chris Beyrer. With the addition of Dasheeda Dawson, one of a limited number of non-doctors leading the organization, the DFCR board now includes eight members working together to further its mission of promoting public health and furthering social justice through science-backed cannabis regulation.

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