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Balancing Act: Atlanta Mayor Keisha-Lance Bottoms Explains Trying to Support Protesters and Police

Keisha-Lance Bottoms
Balancing Act: Atlanta Mayor Keisha-Lance Bottoms Explains (Photo Credit: AtlantaBizJournal)

The last 72-hours in Atlanta have been hectic. The peaceful protests over police brutality and death of George Lloyd have found Clashes protestors clashing with police leaving Mayor Keisha-Lance Bottoms at a loss for words.

Torn between wanting to show compassion for protestors and support for her police department, shes had to face some tough decisions over the last few days.

After having to fire several officers after incidents with protestors this past weekend went viral, Mayor Bottoms finally about her decision.

In an interview with CNN, the mayor spoke about her struggle to keep a balance:

This has been a really tough balance because I feel helpless. I feel angry. I feel frustrated.”

But the balance to that, I know that there are men and women who put on a uniform every day who love and care about our community. And they do it for all the right reasons,” said Bottoms, a Democrat. “And that’s the vast majority of our police officers in our city — at least think they do it with a good heart and with good intentions.”

Atlanta was one of many cities where peaceful protests over the death of Minneapolis resident George Lloyd at the hands of the police spilled over into violence.

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