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Cannabis CEO and Social Justice Advocate Wanda James Announces Her Run for CU Regent in CD1

Wanda James
Cannabis CEO and Social Justice Advocate Wanda James Announces Her Run for CU Regent in CD1

Wanda James, a pioneer in the cannabis industry and a highly regarded leader in politics and in the Black community, will announce today, November 8, 2021, on the Brother Jeff Facebook Podcast at 2:00pm MST her candidacy for the vacant Congressional District 1 Regent seat at her alma mater, the University of Colorado.

“It’s time to restore balance to the CU Regents, not only in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion but also in the board’s priorities,” said James, 57. “I am running to take back the power for students, staff and faculty, who for too long have taken a backseat to political deliberations and decisions. I intend to be a force for CU and deliver on the promises of higher education.”

As the university’s governing board, the Regents oversee the University’s budget; hire the president and other top officials; and set tuition and priorities. Currently, the board has nine voting members, one elected from each of the state’s seven congressional districts and two others elected by voters statewide. This makeup will change with the new 8th Congressional District. Regents serve staggered six-year terms.

James’ candidacy launches with a number of prominent early endorsements, including from US Congressman Joe Neguse, the first African American to represent Colorado and former CU Regent. “I have known Wanda James for nearly twenty years — she has always been a strong supporter of the University of Colorado, and a champion for CU students, staff and faculty, including during her years of service on the CU Alumni Board,” Neguse said. “She has never been timid about lending her voice to uplift and inspire those around her. I know her bold leadership will be a strong asset to the Board, which is why I’m proud to support her campaign.

Along with Congressman Joe Neguse, four former CU Regents have also endorsed her campaign: Regent Linda Shoemaker, Regent Irene Griego, Regent Steve Ludwig and Regent Cindy Carlisle.

After graduating from the University of Colorado in 1986, James was commissioned an officer in the United States Navy and served for four years in Naval Integrated Underwater Surveillance. A leading advocate for the cannabis industry, she is the co-founder and CEO of Simply Pure and President of Cannabis Global Initiative. In 2009, she and her husband, Scott Durrah, became the first legally licensed African Americans to own a dispensary, a cultivation and edible company in the U.S..

A leading advocate for business equity and social justice, James’s public service has included roles in Jared Polis for Congress and his gubernatorial transition team, as well as on the national finance committees for former President Obama and Vice President Kamala Harris.

In announcing her campaign, James zeroed in on the need to strengthen the Regents’ accountability to advance the five “Areas of Focus” meant to guide the board’s decision making – diversity, affordability, service to the state, student and faculty achievement, free speech and diversity of views.

“The ‘Areas of Focus’ to which the Regents aspire have been my lifelong focus,” she said. “My military, political and business experience, combined with a passion for my alma mater and social justice, will provide a valuable perspective for the students and faculty of all four campuses of the University of Colorado. I look forward to advancing the promise of higher education and the promise of service to the stakeholders of CU.”

In addition to the endorsement from Congressman Neguse, her decision to run for the Regents’ seat won immediate support from an array of civic leaders and CU alumni and faculty.

This is the second time a member of the James family ran for office. He husband Scott Durrah ran for Denver City Council in 2019.

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